Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 1: CAHM 50L - Introduction to Culinary Arts (revisited).

Yes, I am doing it again. Cooking lunch at the Pino Alto Restaurant (Sesnon House), every Tuesday. Starting at 8.00 in the mornings, getting things ready. Restaurant opens at 12.00. Lunch is served between 12.00 and 1.30 followed by left-over lunch and cleanup until 3.00 (or over...). I am reunited with Hector (hurray!) who is TA-ing this time instead of being the instructor (Kathy Niven is, looking forward to learning from her, she did the Cordon Blue in Paris and has been at the Cabrillo Culinary Arts for 20+ years). Looking forward to preparing food, working on recipes, trying new things, hey even the stress, I guess. I missed the first day last semester, but nothing new, accept the shock caused by hearing how much the industrial dish washer cost (I once thought it would be fun having one installed in my kitchen... yikes), over 25,000 grand.... I think I can live with the one I have. Next week we start cooking, a test drive, just for ourselves. Restaurant opens the week after, the real deal...